Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell, Graveyard dirt this is used by people for the purpose of taking revenge on their enemies or to attract their loved or to make their things done perfectly without failure. Normally this graveyard dirt is collected by the people to create unnatural illness to their enemies. This graveyard dirt is mixed with sulphur powder with the blood of enemy or with hair of the enemy or with any body’s private particles. They put this mixture into the bottle with 9 pins, 9 nails and 9 needles. They will bury this bottle in front of the enemy’s house as the moon will wan it will hurt their enemy.

Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
Binding spells using the graveyard dirt will work effectively on any issue. If you want to get your ex back or do you want to make your relationship even stronger you can use this binding spells using graveyard dirt. If you like to impress your partner or you wish that your partner shouldn’t leave you then you can cast this amazing love spells using the graveyard dirt. If your wife or husband started maintaining other extra marital affairs and you don’t want them to do so as you love them lot. You can tie them through this amazing and powerful love spells using graveyard dirt. Then your wife or husband will forget about their extra marital affairs.
graveyard dirt love spells for attraction- In many cases husband or wife doesn’t like to stay at home they will start moving from one place to another and they will come to home when they wish. Even they will spend more time in bars and pubs by ignoring you as if you are a stranger to them. You can make them to change their mind and impression on you by using the powerful graveyard dirt love spells for attraction on them. Finally they will get attracted to you lot and they will never think of moving out by leaving you.
Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
If your husband is very much obsessed with his profession and not concentrating on you properly and spends his more time with his professionals, you can make that person more committed to by casting the powerful love spells.
The graveyard dirt is very powerful and popular method of magic. By collecting the graveyard dirt and by casting the spells you can achieve anything in your life. for example if you want to take revenge on your enemies or you want to make a him or her to love you madly or you want to destroy your husband or wife’s extra marital relationship etc. all can be done effectively using the graveyard dirt.
This is very powerful and popular substance though it is made up of the death it will create the life and save the life of many. In order to collect the graveyard dirt you must ask the permission of the dead by praying for it. For this you must offer liquor and coins at the site where you want to collect the dirt. The graveyard dirt is normally used for three things protection, love and to destroy your enemies.
How to make the graveyard dirt love spell
The things you need to make the graveyard dirt love spell are:
- Green paper
- Vandol root
- Graveyard dirt
Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
First you must write the name of the person whom you love on the green paper. Put the vandol root and graveyard dirt at the center of the green paper and wrap it and place it under your bed. Be sure to note the time, day and moon phase when you do this process to complete the process successfully.
Graveyard dirt protection spells- protection in life is very important for every individual. This spells are done for protecting themselves from their enemies or form any other evil things. In this case you must collect the dirt of your own family members may be your ancestors or dirt of your passed away parents etc or even the dirt of your close friend. The main concept of collecting this dirt is to get protection for you and your family or home from the enemies and other evil energies. The spirit of the dead person will protect you and your home from negative energy. This is an African belief and practice, in which your ancestor veration is a key component of how you are related to the spiritual world
All you need for the graveyard dirt protection spell are:
- Light the 7 african power
- 7 dat candle anointed in protection oil
Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
Light the candle and keep it in the bowl with dirt inside the bowel.
By doing this procedure the passed away ancestors or your friend will guard you and your home in all the difficult situations. They will protect you from all the evil energies. The graveyard dirt is very powerful and popular by using it you can get 100 percent protection.
Destroying your enemy using the graveyard dirt
If you are getting lots of trouble from your enemy without your mistake and you want to get rid of your enemy’s trouble you can use the graveyard dirt to destroy your enemy or you can curse your enemy. For this you must mix the graveyard dirt and sulphur powder with your enemy’s hair or nail or any other private body concerns and put it in the bottle with 9 pins and 9 needles and 9 nails and bury the bottle in front of your enemy house. As the moon was waning it will hurt them or cause them to pin away.
Graveyard Dirt Binding Love Spell
The other method is you can put the graveyard dirt in to the shoes of your enemy and then mark a trail from the victim’s house to the nearby graveyard. Then sprinkle the dirt at every crossroad along the way to lead your enemy. By doing this way you can take revenge on your enemy. You can get rid of your enemy’s trouble by following this procedure then you are completely free from your enemy’s trouble.